What do you want to improve today?

Personal Development

Live your highest vision and emerge triumphant.


Be that leader who shines the light in others. Inspire and motivate to get the best out of your team.

Public Speaking

Develop your speaking skills and share your message with others.

About Dona

Success Trainer, Professional Speaker, Lawyer, Lecturer and Philanthropist

Dona is a certified success trainer from the USA. Her vision is to empower individuals and organizations to create their own unique solutions to realize their goals, their dreams and their full potential through proven coaching techniques.She is also an attorney-at-law and a lecturer in contract law. Dona is highly passionate about singing and dancing. She integrates her knowledge to aid individuals gain and maintain mastery in life, as she firmly believes that everyone deserves happiness and success. “Making a difference”, Dona engages in many charitable workshops with schools from rural villages island wide.

Dona’s goal is to help you achieve your personal and business targets faster and easier than you ever imagined!

Approach for Training


Customized trainings based on organization requirements and its products and services.

Have Fun

Most of learning comes from the moments of enjoyment. Thus, trainings are boosted with dancing, singing, games and many other activities.


Trainings will motivate the audience to achieve the personal or organizational goals.


Trainings are results driven!


From YouTube